
Chiesa di s. Eutizio

とても小さいが、中はバロック様式のきれいな建物だ。 写真は、教会内から扉越しに見た外の景色。

Built around 1718- 1719. The front, a walling of single order, has the architectural part (base, pilasters, cornice, tympanum, door, window) made of peperino; in the middle of it the pre-eminent window is halved by a pilastered banister and the Albani coat of arms. The inside is single naved but there are three altars on each side. The high altar, a silve bust of S. Eutizio, an XVIIIth century picture of Our Lady ( ascribed to Sebastiano Conca), a marmoreal oil-storer (ascribed to Andrea Bregno and used as baptismal font) and a big Baroque wooden crucifix, are very remarkable.